Moustaches all round for Movember

Spot the moustacheSpot the moustache
Spot the moustache
The team at Rush, Witt & Wilson Estate Agents in Bexhill will be joining over a million other men (and women) worldwide by supporting Movember this year.

The aim of Movember is to raise as much money and awareness as possible for men’s health charities that include prostate and testicular cancer and to see who can grow the most impressive moustache during the month of November.

Branch manager Stuart Hall says 2013 has been a fantastic year for us and since Rush, Witt & Wilson is always keen to raise money for charities we thought we would have a little fun whilst doing something for a great cause.

Why not pop in and check out which team member is growing the best moustache, don’t forget this includes the ladies of the Bexhill office and if you feel like sponsoring us all the better.

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