New store supports BEAT team

BEAT and Sainsbury's to work together in Billingshurst SUS-150814-111620001BEAT and Sainsbury's to work together in Billingshurst SUS-150814-111620001
BEAT and Sainsbury's to work together in Billingshurst SUS-150814-111620001
When it was announced that Sainsbury’s were opening a new store in Billingshurst, the areas Community First Responder team, BEAT, saw a great opportunity to set up their 15th public access defibrillator (PAD) site; little did they know however how things would develop!

Not only was permission given for the PAD site, but the team benefited from a £1000 grant from Sainsbury’s contractor, Williams Southern Ltd to put towards the project. The team was further delighted when they were informed that BEAT had been chosen as the new stores nominated charity for the year. BEATs TL Hannah Alsbury-Morris and some of her fellow team members attended the opening of the new store and helped spread the word to the local community about CFRs.

BEATs chairman, Paul Berry was given the honour of cutting the ribbon and opening the store. BEAT members are very much looking forward to working with the Sainsbury’s Billingshurst team in the coming year. BEAT is also grateful to the North Sussex Seagulls who also made a financial contribution to the project.

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Community First Responders are volunteers who respond to medical emergencies in their local areas along side the ambulance service, and are always looking for more team members. PAD sites provide defibrillators that members of the public can access in the case of someone suffering a cardiac arrest. More more information about BEAT, please visit

Report and picture contributed by Paul Berry.