Robin Hood alert

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Campaigners fighting to keep leisure facilities and the swimming pool on the seafront at Littlehampton who attended Arun District Council’s leisure, tourism and infrastructure working group meeting on Monday last week were faced with the possibility of the pool being moved to the last remaining camping and caravan site in Littlehampton, at the Cornfields/Daisyfields site, just off Worthing Road.

This site will be difficult for tourists to find if the weather and the sea is bad and they want a swim.

Campaigners fear the existing site will be used to build high-rise buildings similar to those on Worthing and Bognor seafronts, therefore losing the unique feel of the green open spaces of Littlehampton seafront.

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This was given further weight when Paul Dendle, Arun cabinet member for leisure and amenities, sitting in on the meeting, informed the members that it was his hope that low-rise, high-value homes would be built on the swimming pool site to pay for the new pool.

Taking from the poor and giving to the rich, Robin ‘Dendle’ Hood wants to allow our new pool, minus the sports hall, to be built on an old landfill site well away from the seafront and a site dear to us all, to just become a playground and a gated weekend retreat for those few who can afford it.

Surely the people of Littlehampton and the surrounding areas who use the swimming pool should have a greater say in what happens here.

Are you listening Arun? Is this progress for Littlehampton and all its neighbours?

Terry Ellis

North Ham Road


Want to share your views? Send your letters by email: [email protected] or post to Cannon House, Chatsworth Road, Worthing, BN11 1NA.